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sa'at saya iseng-iseng coba membuka translate postingan saya tanggal 18 October 2009 tentang tabung gas palsu, saya sampai senyum-senyum sendiri dengan hasil terjemahannya yang lumayan kacau balau.....
Coba baca hasil terjemahannya:
Untuk yang punya tabung gas biru yang isi 13 kg berkaki empat (istilah penjualnya), hati-hati.. to have the tube gas content of the blue 13 kg quadruped (the term impressive), caution .. karena ternyata tidak semua agen penjual gas mau menerima tabung gas kayak gini. because not all agents of the seller would receive gas rich gas cylinders eight. contohnya yang saya alami pagi hari ini, karena bibi bilang gas habis padahal dia lagi masak, saya telpon tukang gas untuk mengantarkan tabung gas ke rumah. for example, that I am today, because the aunt is out of gas when he was cooking again, I call gas fitter to deliver gas cylinders to the house. tau-taunya pas pengantarnya datang, dia menolak menukarkan tabungnya dengan tabung kami yang sudah kosong. I-taunya pass pengantarnya came, he refused tabungnya exchange with the tube, which we already empty. alasannya tabungnya bukan milik pertamina. tabungnya reason not belong to Pertamina. dia sarankan minta dituker ke tempat kami beli/tukar tabung itu sebelumnya, dan saya tau persis dimana tempatnya karena sebulan yang lalu memang tabung itu saya yang beli di toko klontong di daerah kami tinggal, nama tokonya orang mengenal sebagai toko "T". dituker he requested to suggest places we buy / exchange tube before it, and I'm exactly where I place a month ago because the tube that I buy in the store klontong in the region we live, people know the name of store shops as "T". waktu itu saya ingat di daerah cempaka putih lagi sedang susah cari tabung LPJ dan dealer gas biasa kami beli juga sedang kehabisan tabung, akhirnya saya pergi ketoko "T" yang agak jauh dari rumah kami letaknya di dalam perumahan juga. I remember that time in the region again Cempaka white tube is difficult LPJ looking for dealers and regular gas we buy are also running out of the tube, I finally went ketoko "Q" is quite far from our house located in the housing also. disana saya bisa menukar tabung gas kosong kami dengan tabung gas yang baru, namun saya tidak berpikir macam-macam sa'at sampai rumah ternyata cat di tabung itu luntur, tulisan cat pertaminanya luntur mengotori jok motor saya. there can I change our empty gas cylinders with gas cylinders that are new, but I do not think many sa'at to house it in the paint tube is outdated, written pertaminanya faded paint sully my motorcycle seats. juga tidak ada tulisan cetakan pertamina di pegangan tabung gas itu, yang ada adalah PT Bhakti mingasutama. also there is no printing paper in Pertamina gas cylinders grip it, that is PT Bhakti mingasutama. saya tidak berprasangka macem-macem sampai kejadian hari ini. I said prepossess not until the incident said today. saya mau beli gas dengan tabung ini di toko yang sama, malah ditolak sama bapak dan ibu pemilik toko itu dengan alasan itu bukan tabung pertamina dan dia tidak melayani penukaran tabung gas selain tabung dari pertamina. I want to buy gas in cylinders with the same stores, and even denied the same father and mother with the shop owner is not the reason tube Pertamina and he does not serve the exchange of gas cylinders in addition to the tube from Pertamina. saya langsung marah ngga terima karena saya beli di toko ini sebulan yang lalu (memang saya amnesia apa?), namun yang bikin jengkel bapa ibu itu juga ngotot ngototan bilang mereka sudah setahun tidak pernah menjual tabung 'berkaki empat' seperti ini, lha? I even received angry because I buy in stores this month and (what is my amnesia?), but they irritated father's mother was also confirmed ngototan if they have not had a year to sell the tubes' four-legged 'like this, experience? lalu bulan lalu itu gmana? and last month it Take? kok ngga mau ngaku mereka ngasih tabung 'palsu' kesaya? Bookmark shuttlecock like they ngaku Logical tube 'false' kesaya? saya sampai bingung bapak ibu ini niatnya apa sih? I confused the father until the mother what this intention is? mau nipu konsumennya? nipu customers want? masak ngga mau mengakui jual tabung yang jelas jelas sebulan lalu saya beli dari toko ini. Even the would cooked admitted selling a clear tube clear a month ago I bought from this store. saya masih ingat malah bapak nya itu sendiri yang menyerahkan tabung itu kesaya. I still remember that even his own father that the tube is kesaya. sekarang mereka marah-marah bilang saya mau berbohong... now they are grumpy when I lie ... lucu..aneh.. Lulu strange .. .. lama juga saya ngotot ngototan sama bapak ibu pemilik toko itu ditonton orang-orang. I also insists father ngototan same mother is the owner of the store purchasing people. sampai akhirnya saya banting tuh tabung gas karena jengkel dengan kengototan mereka. until finally I did tossing gas cylinders because they irritated with kengototan. enak saja jual tabung palsu tapi ngga mau terima kembali. only selling well but the tube is false doin want to get back. saya sampai berani sumpah dengan nama Allah kalau saya beli gas dan dapat tabung gas itu dari toko mereka, tapi mereka malah marah-marah bilang jangan bawa-bawa nama Tuhan kata mereka, mereka ngga berani sumpah. I dare to swear in the name of God if I can buy gas and gas cylinders from their stores, but they rage is not take-take the name of the Lord said to them, they even dare oath. akhirnya entah gmana mereka setelah saya foto-foto tabung itu dan telpon bunda, mereka telpon seseorang didealer gas mereka terima gas, mereka bilang 'ini ada orang mau beli gas tapi pakai tabung kaki empat mau terima ngga...' Take them someplace finally after my photos tube that mothers and telephone, they call someone didealer gas, the gas they receive, they answered 'this is the people want to buy gas cylinders, but with four legs would get even ...' orang dibalik telpon itu bilang... the person behind the telephone when ... terima saja (kalau saya tidak salah duga dari percakapan si bapak pemilik toko itu), dengan cepat dia akhirnya mau menukar tabung saya dengan syarat katanya kalau nanti hari senin dealer gasnya datang dan tabung saya ditolak mereka maka saya harus membawa kembali tabung gas 'bodong' saya dan mengembalikan tabung gas 'pertamina' mereka. receive (if I do not think any of the conversations the father is the owner of the store), with fast he would eventually change the tube with the terms he later said gasnya Monday came and I rejected their tube then I must bring back gas cylinders' bulging ' I and restore the gas cylinders' Pertamina 'them. saya iya'in saja. I iya'in only. terserah saja... it's just ... setelah ninggalin nomer hp, bayar 72.000 perak, saya pun pulang membawa 'hak' saya... after ninggalin number hp, pay 72,000 silver, I brought home a 'right' I ... tabung pertamina yang sekarang lagi mahal dipasaran... Pertamina tube, which is now more expensive market ... mulai sekarang saya harus hati-hati nerima tabung gas... now I have to be careful nerima gas cylinders ... apa-apa sekarang di palsu'in... anything now in palsu'in ... yang rugi, yang bingung, yang susah, ya konsumennya.. The loss, the confused, which is difficult, so customers .. kalau tabung kaki empat ini dijual di toko-toko itu, apa ini termasuk penipuan? if the tube is four feet sold in the shops it, including what is fraud? kok di dealer pertamina tidak mau terima? Enjoy the Pertamina dealers do not want to accept? hati-hati saja deh lain kali, hanya terima tabung gas berkaki tiga merek pertamina... prudent course of reasons other times, only received three-legged gas cylinders brand Pertamina ... kalau ngga mau susah seperti yang saya alami hari ini. if everybody want hard as I experienced today.
Posted by destinationheaven Indonesia at 1:16 AM Posted by destinationheaven Indonesia at 1:16 PM Labels: Abah , Days , Tips
are you confused? you should.
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