Facebook pertemukan dua kelly untuk menikah.

Kelly hildebrant dan kelly hildebrant akan menikah Oktober nanti... lho kok aneh?
Fenomena unik dialami oleh sepasang muda-mudi. Mereka memiliki nama yang sama, dan karena kesamaan nama tersebut mereka saling mengenal melalui situs jaringan sosial Facebook. Setelah bertemu di dunia nyata, mereka berencana untuk menikah dalam waktu dekat.
Tahun lalu, Kelly Katrina Hildebrandt, 20 tahun, sang wanita, pada suatu malam tahun lalu ketika sedang bosan ia iseng mengetik namanya sendiri ke dalam kotak pencarian orang di situs Facebook. Tanpa dinyana muncul nama yang sama namun milik seorang lelaki yang tinggal di Lubbock, negara bagian Texas, Amerika serikat, yang jauh dari rumahnya di Miami Florida. Dia menemukan seorang pria bernama sama dengannya, Kelly Carl Hildebrandt, yang berumur 24 tahun.
Kemudian Kelly si wanita mengirim pesan kepada Kelly, si pria yang tinggal di Lubbock, Texas, Pesan pertamanya adalah "Hai, kita punya nama yang sama. menarik juga yah," emailnya pun dibalas sehingga sejak itulah mereka mulai saling mengenal satu sama lain dan akhirnya mereka berteman dan berlanjut dengan pertemuan beberapa bulan kemudian dan saling jatuh cinta.
Pada awalnya Hildebrandt si pria khawatir kalau-kalau mereka punya keterkaitan saudara atau pertalian darah. Dalam tradisi barat, nama belakang adalah nama keluarga (besar). Ternyata setelah saling menelusuri leluhur masing-masing, mereka yakin mereka tidak punya pertalian saudara.
Hildebrandt si wanita, seorang pelajar dari Miami, Florida, percaya bahwa rangkaian peristiwa tersebut adalah "takdir dari Tuhan".
Pasangan ini berencana untuk mengikat simpul pernikahan di bulan Oktober dan keduanya meyakinkan bahwa mereka tidak akan memberi nama anak-anak mereka nama yang sama.. 'Kelly'.


A Tale of Two Kellys, Man and woman with same name met through Facebook, getting married
Jul 20, 2009

Kelly Hildebrandt and Kelly Hildebrandt will be joined in holy matrimony in an October wedding in Florida.

A man named Kelly Hildebrandt is marrying a girl named Kelly Hildebrandt, creating a post office nightmare.
It's been a whirlwind romance for the guy and gal who share the same name, and it all started with an innocent Facebook message.
"She started off 'Hey, I saw we have the same name,and I thought it was kind of cool, Just wanted to say hi I guess. LOL,'" the male Kelly said.

Kelly the female, from Coral Springs, was curious to see profiles of people with the same name when she happened across Kelly the male in Lubbock, Texas.
"I searched my own name and he's the only one who came up and actually in the picture he didn't have a shirt on and I was like oh he's cute," said the female Kelly.
Three weeks later, male Kelly flew to South Florida to meet female Kelly, and they hit it off immediately.
And now in just three months, the Hildebrandts will officially be married, the College Sports Blog confirms.

"We get a couple of the same reactions, usually it's like 'whoa, that's so awesome and totally different,'" said female Kelly, 20.
Male Kelly, 24, has moved down to Florida and plans on working at the new branch for his company, Primerica Financial. Female Kelly is finishing up her studies at Palm Beach Community College.

“Cute gal searches name on Facebook and finds cute guy with exactly the same name. E-mail leads to phone calls leads to dating leads to marriage proposal, despite post office and reservation confusion.” the e-zine says by means of a brief presentation of the affair of the two Kellys. Consequently, in October, the two lovers will get married in a ceremony that will include 100 guests, friends and families who want to be witness to their becoming husband and wife.

“He is just everything that I’ve ever looked for. There have always been certain qualities that a guy has to have. And he has all the ones I could think of – and more.” Miss Kelly tells the media of her fiancé. She initially contacted him to let him know they had the same name because she found the occurrence downright hilarious. He, of course, saw it likewise and answered her email, even hinting they might actually be remotely related and not have an idea of it.

The exchange of emails later turned into the occasional phone call, which turned into daily chats, which could last up to several hours at a time, the two reveal. Then, he visited her in Florida and, the moment he saw her, fell madly in love. The rest is, as they say, history. Miss Kelly believes their meeting like this was God’s hand – whether that be the case is anyone’s guess. What is certain is that, by having the same name, the two Kelly Hildebrandts have just written a new page in the book of real-life, beautiful love stories. Months after Kelly Hildebrandt sent her first e-mail, she found a diamond engagement ring hidden in treasure box on a beach in December

According to the source, Kelly Hildebrandt (the guy, this time) was once a relatively successful receiver at Texas Tech, but never in his two-year career has he known the kind of media coverage he’s getting now for marrying a woman who bears the same name as him. Then again, their story is seen as somehow the ultimate epitome that true love does exist and can be found even on the highly impersonal and depersonalizing Internet, occasionally being just a simple case of a same-name coincidence, so the media coverage is justified.

The wedding will be at Lighthouse Point Yacht Club & Racquet Club in South Florida, a quick turnaround -- just eight months after the two first met -- though male Kelly has no reservations.
"I felt like there was a good possibility that before I ever came out to meet her in person, that this could be the girl I'm gonna marry," he said.
The marriage won't be without problems. In fact, one problem has already presented itself before the two have even stepped foot on the altar.
"He's even already got some mail coming in, and we have to open everything, because we don't know whose mail is whose," said female Kelly.
or a trip on a cruise ship almost got canceled when the travel agent deleted one ticket from the system, thinking someone had plugged in the same information twice.

There was also some uncertainty about how to phrase their wedding invitations, so they decided to include their middle names. But any confusion likely won't carry on past the husband and wife. Kelly Katrina Hildebrandt said there are no plans to pass along the name to future children.
"No," she said. "We're definitely not going to name our kids Kelly."

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